
Icon Button Name Description Requirement Mana Damage
1. Directed Nexus This spell opens a portal to a specified location, which will instantly transport you and your party to its nexus point in LandKing Hall. Casting (1) 1 -
2. Vision of the Night This spell gives the caster the ability to see things in the dark as plainly as during the day. Casting (3) 8 -
3. Minor Embrightenment This spell causes the area to be lit up as if by a candle. Casting (1) 2 -
* N/A N/A Removing the Veil This spell will undo "Closing the Veil", causing objects to no longer be invisible. N/A 10 -
* N/A N/A Closing the Veil This spell will cause an item to no longer be visible, hidden from the world behind the Veil. N/A 10 -
4. Detect Concealment This spell will determine if there are any concealed items. Casting (1) 10 -
5. Detect Traps This spell will determine if there are any hidden dangers. Casting (1) 10 -
6. Remote Manipulation This spell harnesses mystic forces to cuase a remote object to be used. Casting (4) 16 -
7. Death Strike This spell causes grevious harm to whatever you touch. Casting (5) 15 200
8. Ascertainment This spell allows the detection of lies during conversations. Casting (2) 4 -
9. Allevation This spell neutralizes various toxins. Casting (3), Healing Magic 6 -
10. Lesser Healing This spell heals minor wounds. Casting (1), Healing Magic 2 Heals
11. Healing This spell heals various wounds. Casting (2), Lesser Healing 4 Heals
12. Greater Healing This spell heals major wounds. Casting (3), Healing 6 Heals
* N/A N/A Clairvoyance This spell allows the caster to see partially through walls. N/A 12 -
13. Embrightenment This spell causes the area to be lit up as if by a torch. Casting (2), Minor Embrightenment 4 -
14. Soporiferousness This spell puts the target into a deep sleep. Casting (2) 4 -
15. Terrorisation This spell causes instant fear in the target. Casting (2) 6 -
16. Derangement This spell causes the target to be confused and deranged. Casting (3) 6 -
17. Major Embrightenment This spell causes the area to be lit up as if by a bonfire. Casting (3), Embrightenment 6 -
18. Nutrient This spell provides nutrients for the target, as if they had eaten recently. Casting (1) 4 -
19. Mystic Arrow This spell causes a small bolt of mystic power to shoot from the caster to the target. Casting (1) 4 10-25
20. Awaken This spell will rouse the target from a slumber. Casting (1) 1 -
21. Detect Rune This spell finds hidden runes. Casting (1), Runic Magic 2 -
22. Resist Blows This spell causes the target to partially resist blows aimed at them. Casting (2) 6 -
23. Rune of Warding This spell will enscribe a rune which signals the caster when something steps on it. Casting (2), Runic Magic 8 -
24. Rune of Flame This spell enscribes a rune that causes a burst of flame to engulf the first thing that steps on it. Casting (2), Runic Magic 8 2-12
25. Dispel Rune This spell erases a given rune. Casting (2), Runic Magic 6 -
26. Rally This spell breaks the effect of fear on anybody in the party. Casting (2) 4 -
27. Rune of Blocking This spell enscribes a rune which prevents things from passing. Casting (3), Runic Magic 12 -
28. Mage Lock This spell magically locks a door or chest. Casting (3) 12 -
29. Awaken All This spell causes everybody in the party to be roused from a slumber. Casting (3), Awaken 9 -
30. Lightning This spell causes a large bolt of lightning to strike the target. Casting (4) 16 20-40
31. Cure This spell removes the effects of various toxins and spells on the target. Casting (4), Alleviation 8 -
32. Resist Fire This spell causes the target to be temporarily immune to heat. Casting (4) 12 -
33. Open This spell causes locked objects to become unlocked. Casting (4) 12 -
34. Rune of Pain This spell enscribes a rune that causes severe pain to the first thing to step on it. Casting (4), Runic Magic 20 12-28
35. Fireball This spell causes a burst of flame to engulf a large area, affecting all within it. Casting (5) 20 20-45
36. Paralyze This spell prevents the target from being able to move for a duration. Casting (5) 15 -
37. Shake Down This spell causes other people to drop things they curently have. Casting (5) 10 -
38. Daylight This spell creates a long-lasting light, bright as day. Casting (5), Major Embrightenment 10 -
39. Mass Terrorisation This spell strikes terror in all opponents. Casting (6), Terrorisation 12 -
40. Charm This spell will cause another person to consider you a friend and ally. Casting (6) 18 -
41. Fetch This spell brings a small, distant object to the caster. Casting (6) 24 -
42. Mass Cure This spell cures the ails of everybody in your party. Casting (6), Cure 18 -
43. Farsight This spell allows one to see all the surrounding area at once. Casting (7) 14 -
44. Replicate This spell creates a duplicate of a small item. Casting (7) 21 -
45. Mass Confusion This spell causes confusion among all opponents. Casting (7), Derangement 28 -
46. Tremor This spell shakes the ground, causing damage to all opponents. Casting (8) 16 -
47. Restoration This spell cures and heals a person of all their ailments. Casting (8), Cure 24 -
48. Resurrection This spell brings a person back from the brink of death. Casting (8), Healing Magic 16
** Remove Mage Lock This spell removes a Mage Lock from where it is placed. Casting (5) 20 -

* Not in the final game

** Remove Mage Lock is only found as a scroll in Itanos' desk in Kosha

Resurrection only works on corpses. The main character is returned with about 1/4 full health, and other characters are restored with about 1/3 full health.

Cythera's images, audio, and text are owned by Ambrosia Software Inc.