
Album Information

Cythera: Soundtrack
Music by Randy Pringle


  1. Main Theme - 1:36
  2. Cythera - 2:18
  3. Land King Hall - 3:35
  4. Odemia - 1:15
  5. Catamarca - 1:53
  6. Cademia - 1:17
  7. Kosha - 2:40
  8. Pnyx - 0:58
  9. Underground - 2:05
  10. Danger Theme - 1:12
  11. Seldane Theme - 1:38
  12. Bonus Track: Underground Remix - 2:08
  13. Bonus Track: City of Mystery - 1:14

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Cythera's images, audio, and text are owned by Ambrosia Software Inc.