Visit the Cythera Guides Archive

About the Ambrosia Software Forum Archive

What is this archive?

It's based on a collection of posts originally made to Ambrosia Software's web board system. I saved them before ASW went offline and converted them into a modern NodeBB format.

How do I browse and search?

Anyone can browse the forums by navigating through the various categories and topics. To search, you can create a new account and, once logged in, click the magnifying glass to start a search query.

How do I post?

Unlike the Cythera Forums, which I consider a "living archive" with old and new posts, the ASW forum is purely archival (at present). For that reason, all posting is disabled. Even with a user account, any actions beyond viewing and searching have been turned off.

Why is posting disabled?

The main reason is that the archive is incomplete. Several subforums are missing, and downloads are entirely absent since Ambrosia had disabled them years before I started backing up the forum. I'm still holding out hope for obtaining the missing boards somehow, and should that happen, I'd need to erase everything and restart the conversion process. New posts and other content would complicate this task, whereas I don't think it would be an issue to erase user accounts made only for searching purposes.

Second, I'm not sure there's much use to posting here. Most of the community has moved on to Reddit or Discord. For example, there's an ASW Discord and /r/asw subreddit. There are two subreddits for Escape Velocity: /r/evnova and /r/escape_velocity.

To a lesser extent, this is also an experiment for me. I've not devoted a lot of resources to this server, and I'm not sure what to expect in terms of usage. My guess is that the community is quite small at this point, and these pages would only be used for occasional reference.

Where are the attachments?

Sadly, no attachments have been saved in this archive, only text. Ambrosia disabled downloading attachments and viewing profiles several years before I started saving any materials. Anything externally hosted may still work, but it depends on the host.

Who do I contact with questions?

The easiest way to contact me is through the Cythera Discord where I go by Wizard, but you can also post on the Cythera Forums (linked directly from the archive) or email to "admin" at using the "mail" subdomain.

Whether you have some of the other boards saved, want to discuss the posting policy, or even just have general questions about the ASW boards or something in the forum archive, feel free to reach out!