Timeflux book to Charax

How to get

Go to Northshore Vineyard. It's inside the triangle formed by the paths leading among Odemia, Cademia, and Catamarca. Talk in depth to Glaucus, the vineyard owner. Go to Pnyx. Talk to Palaestra, the alchemy instructor about "wine," then "Charax." Train on alchemy if you have not already done so. Go north of Pnyx, past the river and into the forest until you find Charax's house. Talk to Charax. Ask him about "wine."

How to solve

Go to Kosha. Ask Itanos the judge about "Idomeneus." Go south to the cave along the shore. You will need some sort of ranged attack. Bow and arrows will work fine, as will the spell "mystic arrow." Enter the cave. Go to lower floor. Explore until part of the cave collapses. Go down through the new hole. Find and kill the hydra(this is where you need the ranged attack). Once you can get through, find the skeleton. Search the skeleton. Take the book you find back to Charax.
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