What's New
by Jason Whong

With the month of May comes spring, sunshine, and many fluffy yummy thingies. The seeds of
life spring toward their destinies, and citizens around the world rejoice in peace and harmony.
Through the parched soil arises a new amusement from Ambrosia!

Uh, yeah. I mean... Happy May, and looky looky looky, here comes EV Override!

Override released!

In case you've been living in a cave (Or offline while
on vacation, as was my case) for the last few weeks,
you may not have heard that EV Override has been
released. Well, it looks like this release really takes the
cake for being the most hectic. With Jason and John
gone for various reasons, David was left all alone for
most of the week, while thousands of fans called, faxed and e-mailed with orders and questions.
Meanwhile, at night, Matt Walicke accelerated his carpal tunnel syndrome by a few more years
entering all of the orders so all of you could get your license codes on time.

Response has been very good, and we are pleased with how well the Mac gaming public seems to
be accepting EV Override. Override is Ambrosia's first $25 game, but registered users of Escape
Velocity can snag it for $15.

Override and Insanely Great Macintosh

Congratulations to Elizabeth Rieb, who won her own ship in EV Override through a contest we
held at Insanely Great Mac (
at http://www.insanely-great.com/). Now, when you fly through space, look for her ship. But don't blow her up - she's a mean one! Look for more contests like this in the future.

Mars Rising 1.0.1 Released

David Wareing labored for many months, and released version 1.0.1 of Mars Rising, which adds
support for inputSprocket. It also contains a few other bug fixes. Unfortunately, it removes the
popular 2-player cheat. Still, the update is highly recommended, as it lets you use all of those
keeno-rad joysticks without having to configure a thing!

Cythera in third beta

RPG lovers, get ready! Cythera is getting closer and closer to ship date with its beta 3 release. This
one looks better than the others, with new artwork and fun quests. Of course, this brings Cythera
even closer to a release, so be patient (as you were with Overrride), and soon you'll have your very
own world to explore.

More games in the works?

We've always got projects in the pipeline. You never know when one might slither out. Well,
we've got something in the pupal stages, and it might just hatch into an alpha, or even a beta. We'll
continue to work our charms on this one until it's ready for an announcement... All I can say right
now is that it's a-maze-ingly fun.

Ambrosia will continue to rock on. I guarantee it.

How is the AT?

The next issue of the Ambrosia Times will be the beginning of its fifth year, and we hope to make
some changes in commemoration of this remarkable anniversary. Don't worry, we're not renaming
it to Ambrosia Times Pro, or anything like that.

What I'd like to know is:

•Do you like the DocMaker versions? We're reevaluating whether DocMaker is the best
format for our publication. For one thing, everyone who recieves this newsletter is already
online, and probably has access to a web browser of some sort. File sizes would be much
smaller if we made the downloadable version in HTML, since web browsers can take
advantage of GIF and JPEG graphics, while DocMaker is limited to PICTs. Additionally,
web browsers exist on pretty much every platform, so now anyone can subscribe, even if
they don't have a Mac.

•What do you want to see more of in the Ambrosia Times? More tips and tricks?
QuickTime? Comics? More artwork? Less artwork?

Please drop a note to
jason@AmbrosiaSW.com with your thoughts.

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