What's New

by Jason Whong

This issue is (almost) on time!

Those of you that waited an extra month for the last issue will be pleasantly surprised. That's right! We would have been ready to go on the first of November, but there were no articles, and Andrew was in
Peru. So we slacked off until his return, and rushed like monkeys to put this newsletter to bed.

Harry Updated

This issue of The Ambrosia Times coincides with the release of Harry the Handsome Executive 1.0.1. This update fixes a few bugs that we didn't catch before last month's release. If you're having problems of any kind
with Harry 1.0.0, we strongly recommend the free update. Check out David's writeup in Eeeek A Bug! for details.

Mars Rising Enters Beta

Dave Wareing's new Game, Mars Rising, rocks into November by entering Beta shortly after Halloween. Testers all over the world are charging up their wave motion cannons and zapping the bejeezus out of enemies on land and air. Dave is working around the clock on this one, so hopefully you'll get a chance to try your skill before the end of the month! Until then, check out our second preview later in this issue, or visit http://www.MarsRising.com/ for details.

Cythera Done Before the Year's End

Glenn Andreas is toiling away in the bit mines to bring you Cythera - the most advanced RPG available for Macintosh - in November or December. Featuring an excellent plot, a wonderful story, and a bizarre mystery,
Cythera is poised to pounce on the RPG market with a torch in each hand. We've got a sneak peak at Cythera's advanced interface in this issue.

Ambrosia CD?

The plans are in place. The hardware has been ordered. The postage machines are ready to go. Ambrosia Software is planning its first CD, which hopefully will be ready before Christmas. Watch our What's New
page on our website for more details, or sign up for our announce list.

New Employee

Friends, "Cajun" David Richard has left Ambrosia. He is now employed at a multimedia company, and we hear he is quite happy there. In his stead, our new Technical Support Manager is David Dunham. You can meet him in this issue, when we get Up Close and Personal with him. As always, you can send an e-mail to help@AmbrosiaSW.com for all of your tech support needs, or even just to welcome him aboard.

Another new employee

While you've got your e-mail clients open (you DID welcome David, didn't you?), please take a second to welcome John Cook to the Ambrosia fold. John is our new office manager, replacing Gayle Haarr, who recently
decided she wanted to "live free or die" by moving to New Hampshire. While Gayle was averse to posing for pinups, John doesn't object! You can reach him at
john@AmbrosiaSW.com. And please, be nice to him. You
may wish to suggest a new office pet, since Gayle has taken Ulff with her.

AOL forum update

Some of our customers on AOL were wondering about the USENET groups "alt.games.ambrosiasw" and "alt.games.mac.escape-velocity". Well, we wrote to AOL's hostmaster asking for the groups to be added, but after a month has gone by, we see no results. If you're on AOL, and would like to see these groups added to AOL's USENET feed, please be sure to drop a note to the hostmaster@AOL.com, to voice your support.

Hector is not dead!

Somebody has been spreading rumors about Hector's apparent demise. In fact, Hector is alive and well, and meowing like a healthy parrot should. He is preparing to embark upon his new movie career, so he needs
your emotional support. You can e-mail him at hector@AmbrosiaSW.com to discuss the rat that keeps trying to steal his food, or just to say "gimmeakiss".

Neither is Michael Dortch!

Some of you may notice that this issue of
The Ambrosia Times contains no ramblings by Michael Dortch. Rest assured, Captain Hector is on a search and rescue mission to ensure his return in time for the next issue.

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