Blue crystal ball

How to get

Go to the stronghold at location V on my map of Cythera. There are liches, so be ready for them. Go east into the stronghold to the room where you meet a lich. Go down the stairs in that room. Once downstairs, go through the metal door you see to the east. In that room is a coffer. Get the ring that is inside the coffer and put it on. Now, go to the stronghold at location W on my map of Cythera. Since you are wearing the ring, the stronghold shouldn't disappear. The ball is at the center of the stronghold. There are many powerful monsters inside, including several Demons, so take appropriate precautions. There are also four mage locked doors that must be penetrated. I wish you the best of luck in getting to the ball.


The blue crystal ball acts like a farsight potion when used. It has a limited number of charges, and consumes a small amount of mana when used.
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